Robbie Price

Owner | Aristos Perform | Head Coach


Co-owner of Aristos Fitness, Robbie has gained vast experience coaching various populations throughout Ayrshire and Glasgow. Along with coaching Thrive clients and Aristos classes, his passion lies in helping competitive athletes maximise their potential in the sport of fitness. A self-proclaimed programming geek, Robbie loves to compete himself and fits his training schedule around work and dad duties! Robbie’s certifications include:

  • Opex CCP

  • CrossFit Level 2 certified trainer

  • REPs Level 3 accredited Personal Trainer

  • British Weightlifting Level 1 Coach

  • CYQ Certificate in Sports Specific Training

  • CYQ Certificate in Nutrition

  • International Sports Scholar at University of Stirling, 2007

  • BA (Hons): Journalism and Media, University of Stirling

Here is Robbie’s fitness story…

“Once upon a time, I hated fitness. I saw it as nothing more than a chore; a monotonous, uncomfortable task that had to be completed to fulfil my potential as a tennis player. Later, as my sporting commitments began to decline, and my passion for take-away started to peak, I began to notice the importance of fitness – or lack thereof. As a self-proclaimed “athlete”, I wasn’t altogether comfortable with my ever-expanding waistline, and knew what had to be done. So – like most of us – my return to the gym was motivated by a desire to look better.

That was enough to keep me going; at least for a while.

It wasn’t long before I was in better shape than I had been even as a tennis player, and - inspired by my recent transformation - I went in search of a new challenge.

Enter; CrossFit.

The sport of fitness was growing rapidly throughout the world, and seemed like the perfect opportunity to explore what my body was capable of. I committed wholeheartedly to developing my physical abilities, and I began to develop a keen interest in helping others to use fitness in order to improve their quality of life. For the following two years I coached in various gyms throughout Glasgow and Ayrshire, before opening Aristos Fitness in 2015.

In the years since opening our doors, not only have I watched Aristos grow into the business it is today; I’ve also married my best friend and become a dad – twice. As I have changed over time; so too has my fitness.

No longer am I concerned with chasing elite performance, and visible abs just aren’t as appealing as they once were.

It is my ultimate goal to live as well - and for as long - as possible in my role as husband, father and coach. It might have been a rocky start, but fitness is the foundation on which my life is built.

Now, fitness supports my life and my current abilities; it allows me to live the life I choose with confidence and without limitation. I exercise because I can; because I’m still learning about my body; about movement, and how to become a better coach.”

Client Testimonials

“Robbie has the ability to take my jumbled thoughts and rationalise them for me! He knows what I want to achieve and the best way for me to go about this!”

- Heather, Aristos Compete Client

“Robbie is very approachable, giving me great advice and clear direction on how we achieve my goals. Through regular discussions whether it being in the gym, 121s, goal setting meetings and through TrueCoach he adapts my sessions accordingly, making them enjoyable, varied and challenging to get the results I crave.”

- Aristos ID Client

“I have seen a lot of improvements in my body composition. Upper body muscles are becoming more defined and losing the excess body fat. Feeling great mentally too! Knowing I’m training gives me something to look forward to and keeps me positive. Always moving towards my goals. Robbie’s knowledge is second to none. Really enjoy working with him.”

- Declan, Aristos Compete Client

Get Started Today

If you would like Robbie to support you with your health and fitness goals, book a FREE INTRO chat with him today to find out more about how he can help.